
Архитектуры: i386, x86_64
Категории: Firewall
Окружение рабочего стола: No desktop
Родительский дистрибутив: Debian GNU/Linux (Все форки Debian GNU/Linux)
Страна: USA
Сайт: http://www.vyatta.org/
Vyatta software is a complete, ready-to-use, Debian-based distribution that is designed to transform standard x86 hardware into an enterprise-class router / firewall. Vyatta software includes support for commonly used network interfaces, and industry-standard routing protocols and management protocols. Unlike previous open-source routing projects, all these features are configurable via a single command-line interface (CLI) or web-based graphical user interface (GUI). Vyatta software is available as a free Community Edition as well as tiered Software Subscriptions that include maintenance, upgrades and support.
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