Aurora OS (также известна под названием Eeebuntu) - операционная система для нетбуков. Используется компанией Линукс Саппорт для установки на нетбуки.
Включает ядро, оптимизированное для Asus Eee PC, полную поддержку Wi-Fi, функциональных клавиш.
Bio-Linux - это дистрибутив, основанный на Ubuntu 10.04 и содержащий более 500 различных биоинформатических программ. Система может работать с загрузочного диска, но в режиме LiveCD по умолчанию идет английский язык. Выбрать нужный язык дистрибутива можно при установке. С русификацией проблем нет.
BLAG Linux и GNU, BLAG (BLAG Linux and GNU — BLAG Linux и GNU) дистрибутив GNU/Linux, основанный на дистрибутиве Fedora.
CensorNet - специализированный программный комплекс, представляющий собой межсетевой экран/прокси-сервер на базе ОС Linux (в основе - дистрибутив Debian GNU/Linux), объединенный в одно целое с системой контроля и мониторинга доступа пользователей локальной сети к Internet, а также мощной системой контентной фильтрации трафика по настраиваемым правилам. CensorNet должен устанавливаться на выделенном сервере, имеющем по меньшей мере два сетевых интерфейса.
CrunchBang Linux — дистрибутив Linux, изначально созданный Филлипом Ньюбаре (Philip Newborough) на основе Ubuntu, и использующий менеджер окон Openbox вместо рабочей среды GNOME. С выходом летом 2010 года 10 версии дистрибутив перешёл на пакетную базу Debian. Распространяется в виде Live CD.
Дистрибутив подходит, в том числе, для устаревшего или малопроизводительного оборудования с ограниченными ресурсами (например ASUS Eee PC).
DebXPde is a Debian-based live CD featuring the LXDE desktop environment and a trimmed-down collection of lightweight applications for everyday tasks.
Gentoox - дистрибутив предназначенный для установки на игровую приставку XBox. Дистрибутив основан на Gentoo и содержит последние сборки популярных программ из портреджей.
GnackTrack is an Ubuntu-based distribution and live CD featuring a collection of utilities for penetration testing.
Karoshi is a free and open source school server operating system based on Ubuntu. Karoshi provides a simple graphical interface that allows for quick installation, setup and maintenance of a network.
Openfiler is a storage management operating system based on rPath Linux. It is powered by the Linux kernel and open source applications such as Apache, Samba, Linux Volume Management, ext3, Linux NFS and iSCSI enterprise target. Openfiler combines these ubiquitous technologies into a small, easy-to-manage solution fronted by a powerful web-based management interface. Openfiler allows building a Network Attached Storage (NAS) and/or Storage Area Network (SAN) appliance, using industry-standard hardware, in less than 10 minutes of installation time.
OpenIndiana is a continuation of the OpenSolaris operating system. It was conceived during the period of uncertainty following the Oracle takeover of Sun Microsystems, after several months passed with no binary updates made available to the public. The formation proved timely, as Oracle discontinued OpenSolaris soon after in favour of Solaris 11 Express, a binary distribution with a more closed development model to début later this year. OpenIndiana is part of the Illumos Foundation, and provides a true open-source community alternative to Solaris 11 and Solaris 11 Express, with an open development model and full community participation.
Pinguy OS is an Ubuntu-based distribution targeted at beginning Linux users. It features numerous user-friendly enhancements, out-of-the-box support for multimedia codecs and browser plugins, a heavily tweaked GNOME user interface with enhanced menus, panels and dockbars, and a careful selection of popular desktop applications for many common computing tasks.
Puredyne is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution aimed at creative people. It provides a number of creative applications, alongside a solid set of graphic, audio and video tools in a fast, minimal package. It includes software for everything an artist might need - from sound art to innovative film-making. Puredyne is optimised for use in real-time audio and video processing and it distinguishes itself by offering a low latency kernel and high responsiveness needed by artists working in this field.
SmoothWall is a family of Internet security products, designed to defend your users and your network from external attacks. SmoothWall Express is based on the Linux operating system. Linux is the ideal choice for security systems; it is well proven, secure, highly configurable and freely available as open source code. SmoothWall includes a hardened subset of the GNU/Linux operating system, so there is no separate OS to install. Designed for ease of use, SmoothWall is configured via a web-based GUI, and requires absolutely no knowledge of Linux to install or use.
Syllable Server is a small, efficient server operating system built to be similar to Syllable Desktop, but on the Linux kernel. Due to its light weight, Syllable Server is exceptionally suitable as a virtualisation platform for running other operating systems (or multiple instances of itself), using the QEMU emulator.
Vinux is a remastered flavour of the Ubuntu distribution optimised for the needs of blind and visually impaired users. It provides three screen readers, two full-screen magnifiers, global font-size and colour changing facilities, and out-of-the-box support for USB Braille displays. The Vinux live CD boots into the Orca screen reader which makes it easy to navigate the graphical GNOME desktop using keybindings. For those who prefer to work in a simple text-based console there is the Speakup screen reader as well as YASR, a hybrid screen reader which can be run in either console mode or in a virtual terminal on the GNOME desktop.
Webconverger is a live, Debian-based web kiosk. It is designed for deployments in places like offices or Internet cafés where only web applications are used.