Дистрибутивы: Mandriva.Linux.One.2009.GNOME.&.KDE4.CD

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The One edition of Mandriva Linux is a Live CD. A Live CD is an operating system which boots and runs directly from CD, with no installation required, and without making any permanent change to the system on which it runs. Mandriva One, however, is a hybrid Live CD, meaning it also has an installer allowing it to be installed to the system's hard disk, should the user so desire. The small size of Mandriva One also makes it ideal for users with slow or bandwidth limited Internet connections. В данной раздаче представены два образа с настольными средами KDE и GNOME. Список поддерживаемых языков: -------------------------------------------------------- * German (de) * English (Australia) (en_AU) * English (Canada) (en_CA) * English (en_GB) * English (Ireland) (en_IE) * English (New-Zealand) (en_NZ) * English (American) (en_US) * Spanish (es) * French (fr) * Italian (it) * Norwegian Bokmaal (nb) * Dutch (nl) * Norwegian Nynorsk (nn) * Polish (pl) * Portuguese (pt) * Portuguese (Brasil) (pt_BR) * Russian (ru) Requirements Processor: Any Intel®, AMD or VIA processor. RAM: 512MB minimum, 1GB recommended. Hard disk: 2GB minimum, 6GB recommended. Graphics card: NVIDIA®, ATITM, Intel®, SiS, Matrox,VIA. 3D desktop functionality requires an NVIDIA GeForce (up to 8800), ATITM Radeon 7000 to HD 3870, or Intel® i845 to x4500HD. 3D acceleration is supported on most capable hardware. For more details, check the hardware compatibility database. Sound cards: All Sound Blaster, AC97 and HDA compatible cards are supported. Note: Creative Labs X-Fi cards are not currently supported. DVD drive required. SATA, IDE, SCSI, SAS: most controllers are supported in non-RAID mode, and some are supported in RAID mode. List is not exhaustive: certain hardware not listed may also be supported. For more information, visit: http://hcl.mandriva.com
ВидимыйНет (мертвый)
РаздающийПоследний раз был здесь 5554d 09:30:20 назад
Размер1.28 GB (1,373,133,231 байт)
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Добавлен2008-11-21 00:42:05
Скачан5 раз
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