BackBox Linux представляет новый стабильный релиз специализированного дистрибутива GNU/Linux, предназначенного для проведения пен-тестов и оценки безопасности компьютерных систем.
BackTrack — GNU/Linux-LiveCD, возникший как результат слияния WHAX и Auditor Security Collection. Проект создали Мати Ахарони (Mati Aharoni) и Макс Мозер (Max Moser). Предназначен прежде всего для проведения тестов на безопасность.
CAINE (Computer Aided INvestigative Environment) is an Ubuntu-based GNU/Linux live distribution created as a project of digital forensics. It offers a complete forensic environment that is organised to integrate existing software tools as software modules and to provide a friendly graphical interface. The main design objectives that CAINE aims to guarantee are: an interoperable environment that supports the digital investigator during the four phases of the digital investigation, a user-friendly graphical interface, and a semi-automated compilation of the final report.
DEFT Linux - специализированный live-дистрибутив, предназначенный для расследования взломов и поиска скрытых данных. Также может применяться для проведения аудита безопасности.
GnackTrack is an Ubuntu-based distribution and live CD featuring a collection of utilities for penetration testing.
Helix is a customised distribution based on Ubuntu with excellent hardware detection and many applications dedicated to incident response and forensics.
NetSecL is a security-focused distribution and live DVD based on openSUSE (starting from version 3.0, previous versions were based on Slackware Linux). To improve the security aspect of the distribution, servers have been removed, incoming ports closed and services turned off. Additionally, several penetration tools have been included.
STD is a customised distribution of the Knoppix live Linux CD. STD focuses on information security and network management tools. It is meant to be used by both the novice looking to learn more about information security and the security professional looking for another swiss army knife for their tool kit. The tools are divided into the following categories: authentication, encryption utilities, firewalls, penetration tools, vulnerability assessment, forensic tools, honeypots, intrusion detection, packet sniffers and assemblers, network utilities, wireless tools, password auditing (crackers) and servers.
Swift Linux is a lightweight, antiX-based distribution featuring the IceWM window manager. Compared to its parent, Swift Linux includes extra applications, such as BleachBit (a tool for freeing up space and clearing private information), the OpenOffice.org office suite, and a wide variety of forensic analysis and data recovery utilities.