Тест на русском
AnNyung is an i686-optimised, server-oriented Korean Linux distribution based on the Red Hat/Fedora technology and with added security features.
Astaro Security Gateway - специализированный дистрибутив предназначенный для создания межсетевых экранов и защищённых шлюзов.
AsteriskNow - операционная система, с предустановленным программным обеспечением Asterisk, предназначенная для разворачивания АТС на базе PC-компьютера. AsteriskNOW содержит Линукс дистрибутив, Asterisk, DAHDI драйвер-фреймворк и административный интерфейс АТС на ваш выбор: AsteriskGUI или без графического интерфейса. AsteriskNOW позволяет легко создавать специализированные решения телефонии за счет автоматической установки комплекта нужного ПО. Большая часть сложности установки и администрирования Asterisk и Linux решается использованием удобного даже для не опытного Unix-пользователя AsteriskGUI.
CensorNet - специализированный программный комплекс, представляющий собой межсетевой экран/прокси-сервер на базе ОС Linux (в основе - дистрибутив Debian GNU/Linux), объединенный в одно целое с системой контроля и мониторинга доступа пользователей локальной сети к Internet, а также мощной системой контентной фильтрации трафика по настраиваемым правилам. CensorNet должен устанавливаться на выделенном сервере, имеющем по меньшей мере два сетевых интерфейса.
Clonezilla Live является дистрибутивом, основанным на операционной системе Linux. Его размер не превышает объема CD-R диска (примерно 150 Mb). Основная цель, ради которой был собран этот дистрибутив - создание образов установленных операционных систем и восстановление их с помощью этого образа. Работа Clonezilla Live не требует инсталляции на жесткий диск - это чистая Live-CD система. Во время проведения всех операций создания образа в текущей системе не производится каких-либо изменений. Другими словами, Clonezilla можно назвать безопасным, быстрым и эффективным инструментом для выполнения резервного архивирования.
Coyote Linux - дистрибутив Linux на дискете, позволяющий создать простой и очень удобный файрвол/роутер, чтобы связать локальную и Интернет сети. Может быть использован в качестве межсетевого экрана. Имеет удобный менеджер пошаговой настройки.
Минимальные требования, высокая производительность - плюсы. Недостатком является отсутствие поддержки USB устройств (таких как GPRS- и 3G-модемов).
Позволяет без проблем построить роутер на старом бесхозном железе (даже не требуется видеокарта), понимает почти все виды существующих сетевых карт.
Devil-Linux один из старейших серверных LiveCD дистрибутивов. Загружается полностью с компакт-диска или USB-устройства. При работе не требует жесткого диска. Конфигурацию можно хранить на дискете, USB Flash или же записать на компакт-диск. Системные требования Devil-Linux могут удивить своим минимализмом бывалого администратора. Он создавался как серверный дистрибутив для работы в качестве межсетевых экранов или сетевых шлюзов. Причем минимальные системные требования начинаются от конфигурации PC 486 DX2/66-class и выше.
Linux-дистрибутива DigAnTel, ориентированный на быстрое развертывание унифицированных серверов для обеспечения работы VoIP-телефонии дома или на предприятии. В качестве основы используется CentOS, Asterisk 1.4.30, DAHDI 2.3.0, FreePBX 2.7.0 с модулем VoicePulse. Дополнительно в состав входит Jabber-сервер Openfire, система управления взаимоотношениями с клиентами vtigerCRM, а также Postfix и OpenVPN.
Draco GNU/Linux — дистрибутив GNU/Linux, основанный на Slackware Linux и pkgsrc (система управления пакетами, разработанная NetBSD). Draco поставляется в виде минимальной по объему системы, которую можно настроить под свои нужды установкой дополнительного программного обеспечения, доступного на FTP-сервере проекта.
Elastix is a Linux distribution that integrates the best tools available for Asterisk-based Private Branch Exchanges (PBX) into a single, easy-to-use interface. It also adds its own set of utilities and allows for the creation of third-party modules to make it an excellent software package available for open source telephony. Based on CentOS.
Endian Firewall Linux — дистрибутив для создания шлюзов. Один из многих существующих (Smoothwall, pfSense, eBox), но один из немногих по-настоящему удобных.
Finnix — это операционная система, основанная на Debian и распространяемая как Live CD. Разработана Ryan Finnie и предназначена для использования системными администраторами для выполнения различных задач, таких как восстановление файловой системы, мониторинг сети и установка ОС. Finnix это относительно маленький дистрибутив, размер образа ISO составляет приблизительно 100 Мб. Finnix доступна для архитектур: x86, x86-64, PowerPC, User Mode Linux и Xen. Может запускаться с CD, USB, жёсткого диска или прямо по сети (PXE).
FreeNAS — свободная операционная система для сетевого хранилища (англ. Network-Attached Storage). FreeNAS основан на ОС FreeBSD с использованием Samba и PHP, поддерживает software RAID; к нему можно получить доступ по протоколам CIFS (SMB), Apple Mac AFP, FTP, SSH, iSCSI и NFS. Для работы FreeNAS необходим компьютер с возможностью загрузки с привода компакт-дисков с минимум 128 Мб[2] оперативной памяти. Образ ISO дистрибутива имеет размер 110 Mb, и позволяет как разворачивать, так и работать с системой прямо с CD с возможностью инсталлировать её на жёсткий диск. Аутентификация осуществляется на основе локальной базы пользователей. Указывается возможность аутентифицироваться на основе внешнего LDAP каталога, например, Microsoft Active Directory. FreeNAS сервер может быть включён в домен Microsoft AD. Но, как указывает автор, пока нет возможности предоставлять доступ к папкам сервера на основе учетных записей пользователей Microsoft AD. Можно выполнить подключение FreeNAS сервера к домену Microsoft AD от имени доменной учётной записи, и потом под этой же учётной записью работать с сервером по протоколу CIFS.
IDMS Linux is a specialised distribution focused on stability and mission critical operation, normally required in server environments.
Inquisitor is an open-source hardware diagnostics, stress testing, certification and monitoring system, suitable for both enterprise and home use. Based on Debian/GNU Linux, it is customizable, modular and available in both serverless live CD/DVD format and server-controlled network boot production system.
IPCop Linux is a complete Linux Distribution whose sole purpose is to protect the networks it is installed on. After seeing the direction certain Linux Distributions were heading in, a group of dissatisfied users/developers decided that there was little reason for the idea of a GPL Linux Firewall Distribution of such potential to be, simply, extinguished. By implementing existing technology, outstanding new technology and secure programming practices IPCop is the Linux Distribution for those wanting to keep their computers/networks safe. The IPCop Linux Team is dedicated to doing the very best job possible to keep your systems safe, as you can see on our site. "The Bad Packets Stop Here!"
IPFire is a Linux distribution that focusses on easy setup, good handling and high level of security. It is operated via an intuitive web-based interface which offers many configuration options for beginning and experienced system administrators. IPFire is maintained by developers who are concerned about security and who update the product regularly to keep it secure. IPFire ships with a custom package manager called Pakfire and the system can be expanded with various add-ons.
m0n0wall is a project aimed at creating a complete, embedded firewall software package that, when used together with an embedded PC, provides all the important features of commercial firewall boxes (including ease of use) at a fraction of the price (free software). m0n0wall is based on a bare-bones version of FreeBSD, along with a web server (thttpd), PHP and a few other utilities. The entire system configuration is stored in one single XML text file to keep things transparent. m0n0wall is probably the first UNIX system that has its boot-time configuration done with PHP, rather than the usual shell scripts, and that has the entire system configuration stored in XML format.
Nature's Linux is a Linux-based operating system developed by Japan's Nature's Linux Alliance. Its main focus is security.
Nexenta OS is a free and open source operating system combining the OpenSolaris kernel with GNU application userland. Nexenta OS runs on Intel/AMD 32-/64-bit hardware and is distributed as a single installable CD. Upgrades and binary packages not included on the CD can be installed from Nexenta OS repository using Advanced Packaging Tool. In addition, source based software components can be downloaded from network repositories available at Debian/GNU Linux and Ubuntu Linux.
NexentaStor is an enterprise-class unified storage solution built upon the foundation of the open-source file system Nexenta Core Platform, including the ZFS file system. NexentaStor adds to the open source foundation a complete set of managed features, including ZFS and synchronous block level replication, integrated search, console and graphical user interfaces, and optional advanced features, such as management of storage for leading virtualised environments, enhanced mapping and management for Fiber Channel and iSCSI environments, and active/active high availability. A free "developer's edition" based on the most recent stable Nexenta Core Platform is available free of charge for users with less than 4 terabyte of used disk space.
O-Net is an Italian commercial Linux distribution created by HI-NET.
Openfiler is a storage management operating system based on rPath Linux. It is powered by the Linux kernel and open source applications such as Apache, Samba, Linux Volume Management, ext3, Linux NFS and iSCSI enterprise target. Openfiler combines these ubiquitous technologies into a small, easy-to-manage solution fronted by a powerful web-based management interface. Openfiler allows building a Network Attached Storage (NAS) and/or Storage Area Network (SAN) appliance, using industry-standard hardware, in less than 10 minutes of installation time.
Openwall GNU/*/Linux (or Owl for short) is a small security-enhanced Linux distribution for servers, appliances, and virtual appliances. Owl live CDs with remote SSH access are also good for recovering or installing systems (whether with Owl or not). Another secondary use is for operating systems and/or computer security courses, which benefit from the simple structure of Owl and from the inclusion of the complete build environment.
pfSense is a m0n0wall-derived operating system. It uses Packet Filter, FreeBSD 6.x (or DragonFly BSD when ALTQ and CARP is finished), ALTQ for excellent packet queuing, and an integrated package management system for extending the environment with new features.
Proxmox is a commercial company offering specialised products based on Debian GNU/Linux, notably Proxmox Virtual Environment and Proxmox Mail Gateway. Proxmox Virtual Environment is an open-source virtualization platform for running virtual appliances and virtual machines. Proxmox Mail Gateway is a mail gateway with anti-spam and anti-virus features. The products are offered as free downloads with paid-for support and subscription options.
redWall Firewall is a bootable CD-ROM firewall based on Gentoo Linux. Its goal is to provide a feature-rich firewall solution together with a web-based interface for all the generated log files. redWall Firewall comes with Snort, SnortSam, DansGuardian and support for fwbuilder, SpamAssassin, reporting, VPN and mail alerts. Configuration files are stored on a floppy disk or a USB pen drive.
Recovery Is Possible (RIP) is a Slackware-based CD or floppy boot/rescue/backup/maintenance system. It has support for a lot of filesystem types (Reiserfs, Reiser4, ext2/3, iso9660, UDF, XFS, JFS, UFS, HPFS, HFS, MINIX, MS DOS, NTFS, and VFAT) and contains a bunch of utilities for system recovery. It also has IDE/SCSI/SATA, PCMCIA, RAID, LVM2, and Ethernet/DSL/cable/PPP/PPPOE network support.
SchilliX is an OpenSolaris-based distribution which runs from CD and can be optionally installed on a hard disk or a USB memory stick.
Securepoint Security Solutions offers a full-featured suite of firewall tools designed for enterprisewide deployment. Not only can it protect an internal network from outside attacks, it also helps segregate parts of your internal network and define custom protection rules for each. Securepoint lets you create and manage VPN tunnels for remote users and define traffic filters, reports, and alerts for your entire network. Securepoint Freeware is a very secure and free firewall solution for protecting your Internet gateway. Securepoint can as well be used with existing firewalls and to protect interconnected locations or divisions.
SME Server (known as e-smith at the time) was founded in January 1999 by Joseph and Kim Morrison. The company introduced the first version of its flagship software product, the e-smith server and gateway, in April 1999. By the end of the year, many thousands of e-smith servers were running in countries from Fiji to Finland. Word was spreading quickly among developers and systems integrators who needed a solid, easy-to-use server for their small-business customers. In July 2001, e-smith was acquired by Mitel Networks, in September 2004 by Lycoris, and the project is currently sponsored by Resource Strategies, Inc.
SmoothWall is a family of Internet security products, designed to defend your users and your network from external attacks. SmoothWall Express is based on the Linux operating system. Linux is the ideal choice for security systems; it is well proven, secure, highly configurable and freely available as open source code. SmoothWall includes a hardened subset of the GNU/Linux operating system, so there is no separate OS to install. Designed for ease of use, SmoothWall is configured via a web-based GUI, and requires absolutely no knowledge of Linux to install or use.
Superb Mini Server (SMS) is a Slackware-based server distribution with web, DNS, DHCP, file, print and fax servers, iptables firewall, mail server with spam filter and anti-virus scanner, and BitTorrent station. It also includes Webmin, a web-based administration tool, but no graphical desktop. SMS, which comes with Slackware's text-mode system installer, is built using Linux-Live scripts (from Slax) and can be used as a live CD for testing purposes.
StressLinux is an openSUSE-based minimal Linux distribution that runs from a bootable CDROM or via PXE. It makes use of some utilities such as stress, cpuburn, hddtemp, lm_sensors, etc. It is dedicated to users who want to test their system(s) entirely on high load and monitor the health of these systems.
Syllable Server is a small, efficient server operating system built to be similar to Syllable Desktop, but on the Linux kernel. Due to its light weight, Syllable Server is exceptionally suitable as a virtualisation platform for running other operating systems (or multiple instances of itself), using the QEMU emulator.
Trinity Rescue Kit (TRK) is a bootable Linux distribution aimed specifically at offline operations for Windows and Linux systems such as rescue, repair, password resets and cloning. It has custom tools to easily recover deleted files, clone Windows installations over the network, perform antivirus sweeps with two different antivirus products, reset windows passwords, read and write on NTFS partitions, edit partition layout and much much more. Trinity Rescue Kit is mostly based on Mandriva Linux and heavily adapted start-up scripts.
trixbox (formerly known as Asterisk@Home) is a CentOS-based Linux distribution that enables the home user to quickly set up a VoIP Asterisk PBX. A web GUI makes configuration and operation easy. The CD also includes an xPL (home automation) interface for easy interaction with other devices in the home.
TurnKey Linux is an Ubuntu-based virtual appliance library that integrates some of the best open-source software into ready-to-use solutions. Each virtual appliance is optimised for ease of use and can be deployed in just a few minutes on bare metal, a virtual machine and in the cloud. The growing list of virtual appliances, each of which is available as a CD image or virtual machine image, include Bugzilla, Django, Drupal, File Server, Joomla, LAMP, Magento, Mantis, MediaWiki, MoinMoin, Moodle, MovableType, MySQL, Openbravo, phpBB, PostgreSQL, ProjectPier, Rails, Revision Control, StatusNet, Apache Tomcat, Torrent Server, Trac, TWiki, vtiger, WordPress, Zimra and others.
Ubuntu Rescue Remix is a GNU/Linux live system which runs from CD or USB Flash device. It provides the data recovery specialist with a command-line interface environment equipped with some of the best free and open source data recovery and forensics tools available.
VortexBox is a Fedora-based Linux distribution that turns an unused computer into an easy-to-use music server or jukebox. Once VortexBox has been loaded it will automatically rip CDs to FLAC and MP3 files, ID3-tag the files, and download the cover art. VortexBox will then serve the files to network media player. The file can also be streamed to a Windows or Mac OS X system.
Vyatta software is a complete, ready-to-use, Debian-based distribution that is designed to transform standard x86 hardware into an enterprise-class router / firewall. Vyatta software includes support for commonly used network interfaces, and industry-standard routing protocols and management protocols. Unlike previous open-source routing projects, all these features are configurable via a single command-line interface (CLI) or web-based graphical user interface (GUI). Vyatta software is available as a free Community Edition as well as tiered Software Subscriptions that include maintenance, upgrades and support.
Zeroshell is a small Linux distribution for servers and embedded devices with the aim to provide network services. It is available in the form of live CD or compact Flash image and it can be configured using a web browser. The main features of Zeroshell include: load balancing and failover of multiple Internet connections, UMTS/HSDPA connections by using 3G modems, RADIUS server for providing secure authentication and automatic management of encryption keys to wireless networks, captive portal to support web login, and many others.