Дистрибутивы Linux

  • AbulÉdu

    AbulÉdu – французский дистрибутив GNU/Linux, созданный специально для обработки данных в образовательных учреждениях. Изначально в основу AbulÉdu была положена Mandriva Linux, затем – Debian/Knoppix, а нынешний выпуск, AbulÉdu 11.08, основан на Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, дополненном значительным количеством новых приложений и улучшенных инструментов, таких как LibreOffice 3.3, OOo4Kids со словарями, AbiWord, LyX, Firefox 7.0 с AdBlock Plus, DansGuardian, Thunderbird, Pidgin, TuxPaint, GIMP, Scribus, Stellarium, VLC, Audacity, TBI Sankoré 3.1, Dr Géo, Tux Math, Tux Type. Live DVD позволяет протестировать дистрибутив, обеспечивает безопасное посещение сайтов Интернета, соединение со школным сервером для выполнения домашней работы или чтения электронных писем, соединение клиента AbulÉdu с сервером LTSP.
  • AgiliaLinux

    AgiliaLinux — свободно распространяемая операционная система, дистрибутив операционной системы Linux. Разработана сообществом MOPSLinux после прекращения поддержки дистрибутива научно-производственным объединением «Сеть», обладающим правами на MOPSLinux. Распространяется по лицензии GNU. Основные принципы, которых придерживаются разработчики дистрибутива заключаются в легкости установки и освоения системы, а также подборке наиболее стабильных программ. Поставляется с интегрированной средой рабочего стола GNOME, KDE, Openbox, Fluxbox, Xfce, LXDE (на выбор); в инсталляторе реализован менеджер логических томов.
  • aLinux

    aLinux – ранее известный как Peanut Linux (появился под таким названием в 1999 году, а в 2005 произошла смена брэнда на aLinux). Дистрибутив канадского происхождения, независимый потомок Red Hat, соответственно управление пакетами у него на базе rpm.
  • ALT Linux

    Дистрибутивы ALT Linux (Альт Линукс) — это семейство дистрибутивов Linux, являющихся отдельной ветвью развития русскоязычного Linux, выпускаемых компанией «Альт Линукс» и её партнёрами, основывающихся на разработках русскоязычной команды разработчиков ALT Linux Team. Большинство дистрибутивов Альт Линукс доступны для свободного скачивания.
  • aptosid

    aptosid — это операционная система, предназначенная для работы на настольных компьютерах, основанная на «нестабильной» ветке Debian, которая известна под кодовым именем Sid. До сентября 2010 года aptosid была известна как sidux. Дистрибутив состоит из Live CD (загрузочного CD диска) для архитектур x86 и x86-64 с возможностью установки на жёсткий диск через графический инсталлятор. Целью дистрибутива является создание стабильной, простой, современной, бесплатной и открытой операционной системы.
  • Arch Linux

    Arch — «легковесный», простой и гибкий дистрибутив Linux, оптимизированный для архитектур i686 и x86-64, использующий последние стабильные версии программ и дополняемый поддерживаемым сообществом репозиторием AUR. Arch «будет тем, что вы из него сделаете», и рассчитан не на новичков, а на более опытных пользователей. Дистрибутив был создан Джаддом Винетом. На его создание Джадда вдохновил CRUX, но мнение о том, что Arch основан на CRUX ошибочно. Arch Linux является дистрибутивом «from scratch», то есть не основан ни на каком другом дистрибутиве Linux. Arch Linux не предполагает конкретного окружения рабочего стола или оконного менеджера, чтобы пользователь был сам в праве выбирать, что ему использовать. В отличие от CRUX, Arch Linux распространяется, в основном, в виде готовых бинарных пакетов и более прост в установке. В некоторой степени, Arch напоминает дистрибутив Slackware, но, в отличие от последнего, осуществляет контроль зависимостей пакетов.
  • ArcheOS

    ArcheOS stands for Archaeological Operating System. It is a GNU/Linux live DVD distribution (versions 1.x based on PCLinuxOS, versions 2 and 3 on Kubuntu, version 4 on Debian GNU/Linux), with specialist software for archaeological purposes.
  • Ark Linux

    Ark Linux — дистрибутив операционной системы Linux, в основных принципах которого лежат простота установки и настройки, возможность пользоваться им без начальных знаний о GNU/Linux.
  • ArtistX

    ArtistX - основан на Ubuntu дистрибутиве с коллекцией свободного мультимедийного ПО для работы со звуком, видео, 2D- и 3D-графикой. Целью проекта ArtistX является демонстрация разнообразия мультимедийного ПО, доступного на платформе GNU/Linux, и предоставление возможности работы с медиаконтентом при помощи свободного программного обеспечения. Основанный на Ubuntu 11.04 релиз Live DVD ArtistX 1.1 создан при помощи Remastersys, и включает ядро 2.6.38, GNOME 2.32 и KDE 4.6, Compiz Fusion, а также около 2,5 тыс. пакетов свободного мультимедийного ПО.
  • Asianux

    Asianux is a Linux server operating system which is co-developed by Chinese Leading Linux vendor Red Flag Software Co., Ltd. and Japanese Linux vendor Miracle Linux Cooperation, aiming at the common-standard enterprise Linux platform for Enterprise systems in Asia. It provides enterprise customers with high reliability, scalability, manageability and better hardware and software compatibility. Asianux certification partner program will invite more hardware and software products to be certified on Asianux, and it will definitely help to reduce developing and certificating resources and provide Linux with high quality and low cost. Red Flag Software and Miracle will distribute and market Asianux without any modifications in each Linux distribution package in China and Japan. New products will be based on Asianux and each will be bundled with localised features in each country.
  • Asturix

    Asturix - это дистрибутив основанный на Ubuntu, но только с рабочим окружением KDE — Kubuntu.
  • BackTrack

    BackTrack — GNU/Linux-LiveCD, возникший как результат слияния WHAX и Auditor Security Collection. Проект создали Мати Ахарони (Mati Aharoni) и Макс Мозер (Max Moser). Предназначен прежде всего для проведения тестов на безопасность.
  • Bardinux

    Bardinux, a project of the Office of Free Software at the Universidad de La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain, is a Kubuntu-based distribution. It follows Kubuntu's long-term support release and is designed primarily for the students of the university.
  • Bayanihan Linux

    Проект Bayanihan Linux основан на старшей стабильной ветке Debian (в качестве рабочего окружения пользователю предлагается KDE 3.5) и ориентирован на применение в офисах и учебных заведениях. В релизе Bayanihan Linux 5.4 офисным пакетом является LibreOffice, тем не менее, возможна установка OpenOffice.org 3.3; браузер по умолчанию – Mozilla Firefox 4.
  • Berry Linux

    Berry Linux - Linux LiveCD с автоматическим определением аппаратных средств и поддержкой большого количества видеокарт, звуковых карт, устройств SCSI и USB, других периферийных устройств, созданный японцем Юсиро Накада. Созданный как система общего назначения, Berry Linux может использоваться для демонстрации возможностей Linux, для учебных целей, как ремонтно-восстановительный инструмент, а также как настольная система. По общей идее Berry Linux сходен с Knoppix, однако в отличие от последнего, он основан на RPM Red Hat Linux (точнее, на Fedora Core) и практически идентичен RH по составу программного обеспечения. Berry Linux несовместим с Knoppix и другими продуктами на базе Debian GNU/Linux. От Knoppix он позаимствовал только систему распознавания аппаратных средств hwsetup и сжатую файловую систему squashfs.
  • Big Linux

    Основное отличие BIG Linux 2.0 от других дистрибутивов состоит в развитых 3D-возможностях. Правда, по умолчанию используется привычный двумерный рабочий стол, однако, с помощью специальных пунктов меню GRUB можно загрузить KDE 3D и Gnome 3D. На что они похожи, можно понять из экранных снимков. При всей своей оригинальности, BIG Linux 2.0 обладает и существенным минусом - интерфейс системы использует португальский язык.
  • blackPanther OS

    blackPanther Os - венгерский дистрибутив Linux, основанный на Mandriva и разработанный для использования в школе, на работе и дома. blackPanther OS использует графический конфигуратор Mandriva, пользовательский интерфейс Fedora и менеджер драйверов Ubuntu. Новая версия данного дистрибутива выходит каждый год.
  • BOSS GNU/Linux

    BOSS GNU/Linux - первый индийский дистрибутив с амбициозным настроением и поддержкой всех официальных языков мира.
  • BRLix

    Бразильский дистрибутив BRlix - образец качественной имитации MsVista. Умеет работать в режиме Live-cd, с помощью графического инсталлятора и gpart легко устанавливается на жёсткий диск.
  • Calculate Linux

    Calculate Linux — семейство дистрибутивов, предназначенных для малого и среднего бизнеса, в которых применяются перемещаемые профили и централизованное развертывание программного обеспечения. Cозданы на основе проекта Gentoo Linux и полностью с ним совместимы.
  • Càtix

    Càtix — это основанный на Debian дистрибутив. Может работать как Live-дистрибутив (live DVD). Основной особенностью является полная поддержка каталонского языка.
  • CCux Linux

    CCux Linux – это дистрибутив, оптимизированный по скорости путем компиляции с нуля для i686. CCux – большой DVD для загрузки, предлагающий вам богатство выбора. В процессе дружелюбной установки можно указать один из нескольких рабочих столов (включая KDE 4.1), а также офисные пакеты, мультимедиа проигрыватели, приложения для интернета и многое другое. Процесс установки упрощается опцией «полная инсталляция», которая приведет к заполнению меню CCux полезными и забавными приложениями.
  • CentOS

    CentOS (англ. Community ENTerprise Operating System) — дистрибутив Linux, основанный на коммерческом Red Hat Enterprise Linux компании Red Hat и совместимый с ним.
  • Chakra GNU/Linux

    Chakra GNU/Linux — это свободная операционная система. Chakra сделана на основе дистрибутива Arch Linux и среды рабочего стола KDE. Chakra возникла как KDEMod, более модульной версии окружения рабочего стола KDE для Arch Linux. Позже разработчики KDEMod решили отделиться от Arch Linux и создать собственный дистрибутив, которым стал Chakra. Он сочетает в себе графический инсталятор, автоматическое определение и настройку оборудования, последнюю версию KDE и множество утилит.
  • ClearOS

    ClearOS -это Linux дистрибутив ориентированный на работу в качестве интернет шлюза, контроллера домена, системы защиты от вторжений и прокси сервера. Построен он на базе RedHat и CentOS. По замыслу разработчиков, он должен применяться в небольших компаниях, где нет смысла использовать дорогие аппаратные решения и небольшие компьютерные сети позволяют задействовать один или два сервера со многими ролями.
  • Debian GNU/Linux

    Debian — операционная система, состоящая из свободного ПО с открытым исходным кодом. В настоящее время Debian GNU/Linux — один из самых популярных и важных дистрибутивов Linux, в первичной форме оказавший значительное влияние на развитие этого типа ОС в целом. Также существуют проекты на основе других ядер: Debian GNU/Hurd, Debian GNU/kNetBSD и Debian GNU/kFreeBSD. Debian может использоваться как операционная система для серверов, так и для рабочих станций.
  • DesktopBSD

    DesktopBSD — операционная система, созданная на основе FreeBSD. Система ориентирована на использование для рабочих станций (см. Desktop). Отличается от FreeBSD использованием по умолчанию оконного интерфейса KDE и соответствующего набора программ. Установка системы происходит с помощью графического инсталлятора на базе BSD Installer, также предусмотрена работа в режиме LiveCD (без инсталляции на компьютер).
  • DragonFly BSD

    DragonFly BSD — операционная система с открытым кодом, возникшая в середине 2003 года на базе FreeBSD (4-й ветки), ориентированна на платформу x86. Один из разработчиков FreeBSD — Мэтт Диллон (Matt Dillon) с группой товарищей — будучи неудовлетворенным оптимизацией ядра FreeBSD, основал новую операционную систему DragonFlyBSD как систему, предназначенную для работы на высоконагруженных серверах, и более оптимально использующую ресурсы процессора и оперативной памяти, прежде всего на многопроцессорных системах.
  • Ekaaty Linux

    Ekaaty Linux is a Brazilian community distribution based on Fedora Core. Its single-CD releases are geared towards desktop use in business and home environments, with KDE desktop, Smart package manager, BrOffice.org office suite, Kontact personal information management suite, and antivirus/antispam tools forming the backbone of the distribution. Ekaaty Linux supports English and Portuguese languages only.
  • Epidemic GNU/Linux

    Epidemic GNU/Linux - дружественный к пользователю дистрибутив из Бразилии (с поддержкой португальского и английского языков), основанного на тестовой ветви Debian. Упор в этом релизе был сделан на исправлении ошибок и полировке системы, однако есть и несколько важных нововведений, например новая опция загрузки, позволяющая загружаться непосредственно из ISO-образа, находящегося на жестком диске, увеличение скорости загрузки системы, переход на GRUB2, обновление до KDE 4.3 с Compiz Fusion.
  • ESUN Linux

    ESUN Linux - самый малораспространенный из всех рапространенных Ubuntu.
  • Fedora

    Fedora (англ. «мягкая фетровая шляпа», произносится «федо́ра», ранее Fedora Core) — дистрибутив операционной системы Linux. Этот дистрибутив спонсируется фирмой Red Hat и поддерживается сообществом. Проект служит для тестирования новых технологий, которые в дальнейшем включаются в продукты Red Hat и других производителей. Компания Red Hat не предоставляет поддержку пользователям Fedora, поддержка осуществляется открытым сообществом. Цель проекта Fedora — построение целостной операционной системы из свободного программного обеспечения, хотя она всё ещё содержит некоторые несвободные компоненты.[1] Версии выходят каждые 6-8 месяцев по доступному расписанию.
  • Fermi Linux

    Fermi Linux LTS (Long Term Support) is a site distribution based on Scientific Linux, which is in essence Red Hat Enterprise Linux, recompiled. It is Scientific Linux with Fermilab's security hardening and customised configurations to allow an administrator to install Fermi Linux and have the machine meet Fermilab's security requirements with little or no extra configuration. Since Fermi Linux LTS is based on Scientific Linux, it shares it's goal that if a program runs and is certified on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, then it will run on the corresponding Fermi Linux LTS release.
  • Foresight Linux

    Foresight - дистрибутив основан на rPath для демонстрации последних достижений GNOME. Этот релиз отличается новой темой, набором обновлений и багфиксов, в частности, устранена проблема с установкой на некоторых RAID массивах.
  • FreeBSD

    FreeBSD — свободная Unix-подобная операционная система, потомок AT&T Unix по линии BSD, созданной в университете Беркли. FreeBSD работает на PC-совместимых системах семейства x86, включая Microsoft Xbox, а также на DEC Alpha, Sun UltraSPARC, IA-64, AMD64, PowerPC, NEC PC-98, ARM. Готовится поддержка архитектуры MIPS.
  • Frugalware Linux

    Frugalware Linux — дистрибутив Linux общего назначения, спроектированный для пользователя, знакомого с командной строкой. Он основан на Slackware, но использует другой менеджер пакетов — Pacman. Frugalware — один из дистрибутивов, в которых обновлённые пакеты и обновления безопасности появляются ежедневно.
  • Funtoo Linux

    Funtoo Linux is a Gentoo-based distribution developed by Daniel Robbins (the founder and former project leader of Gentoo Linux) and a core team of developers, built around a basic vision of improving the core technologies in Gentoo Linux. Funtoo Linux features native UTF-8 support enabled by default, a git-based, distributed Portage tree and Funtoo overlay, an enhanced Portage with more compact mini-manifest tree, automated imports of new Gentoo changes every 12 hours, GPT/GUID boot support and streamlined boot configuration, enhanced network configuration, up-to-date stable and current Funtoo stages - all built using Funtoo's Metro build tool.
  • Gentoo Linux

    Gentoo Linux — достаточно популярный дистрибутив Linux с мощной и гибкой технологией Portage, которая совмещает в себе возможности конфигурирования, настройки, а также автоматизированную систему управления пакетами. Последняя создавалась под влиянием системы управления пакетами в FreeBSD. Отличительной особенностью Gentoo является наличие оптимизации под конкретное аппаратное обеспечение.
  • Gibraltar Firewall

    Gibraltar is a Debian-based firewall package which is bootable directly from a CD-ROM, so hard disk installation is not necessary. The configuration data is optionally stored on a hard disk, floppy disk or USB storage device. Gibraltar was specifically developed for small to medium-size enterprises and fulfils all demands for an up-to-date firewall package. In times where the threats of viruses, worms, trojan horses or hackers are increasing rapidly, Gibraltar offers an extensive protection of internet connections. Besides a commercial release of Gibraltar a free edition is also available.
  • Hanthana Linux

    Hanthana Linux is a Fedora remix suitable for desktop and laptop users. Hanthana comes in the form of a live DVD for regular PC systems (i686 and x86_64 architectures). It includes all the features of Fedora and loads of additional software, including multimedia players and codecs, graphics, development, educational and entertainment programs ready for use right after installation.
  • kademar Linux

    The kademar Linux distribution is a complete desktop Linux operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux. Compared to its parent, it includes more intuitive system management and better hardware support, including support for Bluetooth, WiFi, ACPI power management, NTFS, Lightscribe, USB, web cams, TDT/DVB, and other devices. The distribution supports English, Spanish, and Catalan languages and provides separate DVD edition with more applications as well as a light-weight edition for older computers. The distribution also includes a graphical system configuration tool called CADI.

    KANOTIX is a Linux distribution based on the latest stable release of Debian GNU/Linux. It is built on top of a latest kernel which is carefully patched with fixes and drivers for most modern hardware. Although it can be used as a live CD, it also includes a graphical installer for hard disk installation. The user-friendly nature of the distribution is further enhanced by a custom-built control centre and specialist scripts.
  • Knoppel

    Knoppel is a Greek distribution for the desktop, based on Debian's testing branch.

    Knoppix is a bootable CD with a collection of GNU/Linux software, automatic hardware detection, and support for many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI and USB devices and other peripherals. Knoppix can be used as a Linux demo, educational CD, rescue system, or adapted and used as a platform for commercial software product demos. It is not necessary to install anything on a hard disk. Due to on-the-fly decompression, the CD can have up to 2 GB of executable software installed on it.
  • Kongoni GNU/Linux

    Kongoni GNU/Linux is a Slackware-based, desktop-oriented GNU/Linux distribution and live CD. Its main features include a graphical installer, a Kongoni Integrated Setup System (KISS), and an easy-to-use Ports Installation GUI (PIG). The distribution's package management borrows its main concepts from BSD ports, with an intuitive graphical package installer that compiles and installs programs from source code on the user's system.
  • Kororaa Linux

    Kororaa Linux was born out of a desire to make Linux easier to use for non-experts. While it has a long history based on Gentoo, in 2010 it was reborn as a Fedora remix and live DVD using a customised KDE as the default desktop. It includes various tweaks and extras to make the system "just work" out of the box.
  • Kubuntu

    Kubuntu is a free, user-friendly Linux distribution based on KDE's desktop software and on the award-winning Ubuntu operating system. It has a biannual release cycle and at least 18 months of free security updates for each release. Besides providing an up-to-date version of the KDE desktop at the time of the release, the project also releases updated KDE packages throughout the lifetime of each release.
  • Linux From Scratch

    Linux From Scratch (LFS) is a project that provides you with the steps necessary to build your own custom Linux system. There are a lot of reasons why somebody would want to install an LFS system. The question most people raise is "why go through all the hassle of manually installing a Linux system from scratch when you can just download an existing distribution like Debian or Redhat". That is a valid question which I hope to answer for you. The most important reason for LFS's existence is teaching people how a Linux system works internally. Building an LFS system teaches you about all that makes Linux tick, how things work together, and depend on each other. And most importantly, how to customize it to your own taste and needs.
  • Linpus Linux

    Linpus Linux is a commercial, Fedora-based distribution developed by Linpus Technologies, a Linux company with headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan and a development office in Shanghai, China. The product's main features are support for both traditional and simplified Chinese, LSB 2.0 certification, support for Unicode character sets, friendly GNOME desktop, and compatibility with a wide range of computer hardware.
  • Linux-EduCD

    Linux-EduCD is a PCLinuxOS-based live DVD developed by Poland's SIMP Studium Techniki. It focuses on education, graphics, office and multimedia use and is designed specifically for use in Polish educational institutions.
  • Lunar Linux

    Lunar is a source based Linux distribution with a unique package management system which builds each software package, or module, for the machine it is being installed on. Though it can take a while to do a complete Lunar installation it's worth it as it tends to be quite fast, once installed! In the beginning Lunar was a fork of Sorcerer GNU Linux (SGL). The fork occurred in late January to early February of 2002 and was originally made up of a small group of people who wanted to collaboratively develop and extend the Sorcerer technology. The original name for the project was Lunar-Penguin but the group decided to re-christen it Lunar Linux while the Lunar-Penguin name has become a sort of umbrella which the team could use if they decide to collaboratively develop something besides Lunar Linux.
  • Mageia

    Mageia is a fork of Mandriva Linux formed in September 2010 by former employees and contributors to the popular French Linux distribution. Unlike Mandriva, which is a commercial entity, the Mageia project is a community project and a non-profit organisation whose goal is to develop a free Linux-based operating system.
  • Magic Linux

    Magic Linux is a new distribution, which is specifically designed for Chinese users. Magic Linux is a non-commercial production completely developed by Linux enthusiasts with a simple motive in mind: say farewell to endless Chinese localisations from one Linux distribution to another and bring the native Chinese support to your desktop.
  • Mandriva Linux

    Mandriva Linux was launched in 1998 under the name of Mandrake Linux, with the goal of making Linux easier to use for everyone. At that time, Linux was already well-known as a powerful and stable operating system that demanded strong technical knowledge and extensive use of the command line; MandrakeSoft saw this as an opportunity to integrate the best graphical desktop environments and contribute its own graphical configuration utilities to quickly become famous for setting the standard in Linux ease of use. In February 2005, MandrakeSoft merged with Brazil's Conectiva to form Mandriva S.A., with headquarters in Paris, France. The company's flagship product, Mandriva Linux, offers all the power and stability of Linux to both individuals and professional users in an easy-to-use and pleasant environment.
  • MEPIS Linux

    MEPIS Linux is a Debian-based desktop Linux distribution designed for both personal and business purposes. It includes cutting-edge features such as a live, installation and recovery CD, automatic hardware configuration, NTFS partition resizing, ACPI power management, WiFi support, anti-aliased TrueType fonts, a personal firewall, KDE, and much more.
  • MidnightBSD

    MidnightBSD is a FreeBSD-derived operating system. A critical goal of the project is to create an easy-to-use desktop environment with graphical ports management, and system configuration using GNUstep. The vast majority of the operating system will maintain a BSD license. MidnightBSD was forked from FreeBSD 6.1 beta.
  • Linux Mint

    Linux Mint is an Ubuntu-based distribution whose goal is to provide a more complete out-of-the-box experience by including browser plugins, media codecs, support for DVD playback, Java and other components. It also adds a custom desktop and menus, several unique configuration tools, and a web-based package installation interface. Linux Mint is compatible with Ubuntu software repositories.
  • Miracle Linux

    Miracle Linux is a Linux distribution completely re-engineered as a secure, high performance back-end server for business workgroups in the enterprise. Miracle Linux exists in several editions: Miracle Linux for Samba, Miracle Linux for PostgreSQL, Miracle Linux with Oracle and Miracle Linux Server OS, all of which are based on Miracle Linux Standard Edition. New editions for the IA-64 platform and for mission critical applications with clustering capabilities are currently being developed.
  • Momonga Linux

    Momonga Linux is a Linux distribution developed in a "bazaar" model style among its user community. Why momonga? you may wonder... A momonga (aka Pteromys momonga) is a flying squirrel found both in Europe and Asia. It's an animal known for a self-asserting behaviour, despite its small size. We, at the Momonga Project, like the momonga, may be small and not well-known, but we do express ourselves without fear or favour, so hopefully a new user can feel our enthusiasm and belief from the Momonga Linux. Also, an installer for Momonga Linux is also called momonga. Taking over its name, it does the job quickly and efficiently, just like a momonga.
  • Musix GNU/Linux

    Musix GNU+Linux is a Debian-based distribution featuring a collection of free software for audio production, graphic design and video editing.
  • Myrinix

    Myrinix is smart and centralised operating system for the home. Its main feature is the ability to connect a plasma TV or large LCD screen to a central server that can record and play DVD or surf the Internet on the big screen. Myrinix is a live CD based on Debian GNU/Linux and sidux.
  • NetBSD

    NetBSD is a free, secure, and highly portable UNIX-like Open Source operating system available for many platforms, from 64-bit AlphaServers and desktop systems to handheld and embedded devices. Its clean design and advanced features make it excellent in both production and research environments, and it is user-supported with complete source. Many applications are easily available through The NetBSD Packages Collection.
  • Netrunner

    Netrunner is an Ubuntu-based distribution with a focus on desktop computing. It boasts a carefully tuned KDE 4 desktop with many integrated GNOME applications to offer users a selected mix of popular and powerful applications.
  • NuTyX

    NuTyX is an i686-optimised, French Linux distribution created from Linux From Scratch and Beyond Linux From Scratch, with a package manager borrowed from CRUX. The project releases a number of different editions, including an installation CD and DVD, as well as a 4 GB live USB. The distribution is designed primarily for French-speaking intermediate and advanced Linux users.
  • Ojuba

    Ojuba is a Fedora-based Linux distribution whose main focus is to provide the best Arabic support, as well as some Islamic tools such as Hijra (Hijri calendar) and Minbar (prayer time indicator). It is available as an installation DVD or installable live CD.
  • ARMA aka Omoikane GNU/Linux

    Omoikane GNU/Linux, known as OGL, is a Japanese distribution based on Debian's testing branch. It has a user friendly installer based on Scheme and GTK+. The commercial branch of the Omoikane GNU/Linux is knows as ARMA - it includes the most popular Japanese input method "ATOK", RICHO True Type Fonts and other features. A free version of OGL, containing fewer packages, is available from FTP servers and mirrors.
  • OpenBSD

    The OpenBSD project produces a FREE, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system. Our efforts emphasize portability, standardization, correctness, proactive security and integrated cryptography. OpenBSD supports binary emulation of most programs from SVR4 (Solaris), FreeBSD, Linux, BSD/OS, SunOS and HP-UX. OpenBSD is freely available from our FTP sites, and also available in an inexpensive 3-CD set.
  • openmamba GNU/Linux

    openmamba GNU/Linux is a distribution for personal computers (Intel i686-compatible) that can be used on notebooks, desktops and servers. It works as an installable live CD, offering out-of-the box support for proprietary graphics drivers and wireless network cards, a variety of media codecs and 3D desktop with KDE. The distribution, which has roots in the discontinued QiLinux project, uses APT for RPM and Synaptic as its package management tools.
  • openSUSE

    The openSUSE project is a community program sponsored by Novell. Promoting the use of Linux everywhere, this program provides free, easy access to openSUSE, a complete Linux distribution. The openSUSE project has three main goals: make openSUSE the easiest Linux for anyone to obtain and the most widely used Linux distribution; leverage open source collaboration to make openSUSE the world's most usable Linux distribution and desktop environment for new and experienced Linux users; dramatically simplify and open the development and packaging processes to make openSUSE the platform of choice for Linux developers and software vendors.
  • Open Xange

    Open Xange is an easy-to-use, Fedora-based desktop Linux distribution featuring the KDE desktop.
  • Oracle Linux

    Oracle Linux is an enterprise-class Linux distribution supported by Oracle. According to the project's web site, "Oracle starts with Red Hat Linux, removes Red Hat trademarks, and then adds Linux bug fixes." Oracle Linux is, and intends to remain, fully compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
  • Otakux

    Otakux is an Ubuntu-based distribution designed for "Otaku", a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests in anime, manga and video games. It comes with a custom theme and includes support for most media formats out of the box.

    PAIPIX is a compilation of free software, based on Debian Live, that is meant to be used in any environment, but with special vocation for educational use in the information and instrumentation technologies. It is developed by the College of Sciences at the University of Lisbon.
  • Parabola GNU/Linux

    Parabola GNU/Linux is an unofficial "libre" variant of Arch Linux. It aims to provide a fully free (as in freedom) distribution based on the packages of the Arch Linux project, with packages optimised for i686 and x86_64 processors. The goal is to give the users complete control over their systems with 100% "libre" software. Parabola GNU/Linux is listed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) as a fully free software distribution.
  • Pardus Linux

    Pardus is a GNU/Linux distribution funded and developed by the Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey. Pardus has a range of unique features, such as Mudur, a start-up framework of Pardus to speed up the boot process, and PiSi, an efficient package management system with a user-friendly graphical interface.
  • PC-BSD

    PC-BSD has as its goals to be an easy-to-install-and-use desktop operating system, based on FreeBSD. To accomplish this, it provides a graphical installation to enable even UNIX novices to easily install and get it running. It pre-configures KDE, video, sound, and networking so that the desktop can be used immediately. A graphical software installation program makes installing pre-built software, known as Push Button Installers (PBI), as easy as other popular operating systems.
  • PCLinuxOS

    PCLinuxOS is a user-friendly Linux distribution with out-of-the-box support for many popular graphics and sound cards, as well as other peripheral devices. The bootable live CD provides an easy-to-use graphical installer and the distribution sports a wide range of popular applications for the typical desktop user, including browser plugins and full multimedia playback. The intuitive system configuration tools include Synaptic for package management, Addlocale to add support to many languages, Getopenoffice to install the latest OpenOffice.org, and Mylivecd to create a customised live CD.
  • PelicanHPC GNU Linux

    PelicanHPC is a Debian-based live CD image with a goal to make it simple to set up a high performance computing cluster. The front-end node (either a real computer or a virtual machine) boots from the CD image. The compute nodes boot by Pre-Execution Environment (PXE), using the front-end node as the server. All of the nodes of the cluster get their file systems from the same CD image, so it is guaranteed that all nodes run the same software. The CD image is created by running a single script, which makes it possible to customise the live CD image with extra Debian packages.
  • Phayoune Secure Linux

    Phayoune Linux is a live distribution based on Linux From Scratch and optimised for USB storage devices. Besides standard desktop software, it also includes a variety of server applications, including a firewall, web server, mail server, database server, file server and application server.
  • Plamo Linux

    Plamo Linux is a Japanese Linux distribution based on Slackware Linux. The installer, and many text-based and graphical tools have been updated to include Japanese language support.
  • PLD Linux Distribution

    PLD Linux Distribution is a free, RPM-based Linux distribution, aimed at the more advanced users and administrators, who accept the trade-offs of using a system that might require manual tweaking in exchange for flexibility. Simultaneous support for a wide variety of architectures and non-conservative approach to RPM usage provide the users with a consistent environment on almost all available architectures.
  • Porteus

    Porteus is a fast, portable and modular live CD/USB medium based on Slackware Linux. The distribution started as a community remix of Slax, another Slackware-based live CD (which is no longer actively maintained), with KDE 3 as the default desktop for the i486 edition and a stripped-down KDE 4 as the desktop environment for the x86_64 flavour. The lightweight LXDE is available as an alternative desktop environment.
  • PUIAS Linux

    PUIAS Linux is a complete operating system for desktops and servers, built by compiling the source packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Besides these upstream packages, the project also provides several other repositories: "Addons" which contains additional packages not included in a stock Red Hat distribution, "Computational" which carries software specific to scientific computing, and "Unsupported" which holds various experimental packages. The distribution is maintained by the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University in the USA.
  • PureOS

    PureOS and PureOSlight are GNU/Linux live CDs based on Debian's testing repository. These are desktop distributions that can be used as live media (CD or USB) or as full-featured operating systems installed on a hard disk. PureOS is a 700 MB live CD with KDE, Iceweasel, Icedove, OpenOffice.org, Songbird, VLC and K3B. PureOSlight is a small 300 MB live CD with Xfce, Iceweasel, Icedove, AbiWord, Gnumeric and Exaile.
  • Qomo Linux

    Qomo Linux (formerly Everest Linux) is a Chinese distribution developed by Red Flag Linux and managed as a community project (in a fashion similar to Red Hat's Fedora or Novell's openSUSE). Its main features are user-friendly desktop, excellent hardware detection, full support for simplified Chinese, and a 6-month release cycle.
  • Red Flag Linux

    Red Flag Software Co., Ltd. (Red Flag Software) was founded by Software Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and NewMargin Venture Capital. We are focused on the development and marketing of Linux-based operating systems and application software on multiple platforms for the constantly growing base of Chinese technology users. Our goal is "Creating Incentives for Networking Life." The company will continue to develop a modern management pattern we call the "Red Flag Way." This is client driven customization based on our business model involving free software.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux

    Red Hat is the leader in development, deployment, and management of Linux and open source solutions for Internet infrastructure - ranging from embedded devices to secure Web servers. Red Hat was founded in 1994 by visionary entrepreneurs Bob Young and Marc Ewing. Open source is the foundation of our business model. It represents a fundamental shift in how software is created. The code that makes up the software is available to anyone. Developers who use the software are free to improve the software. The result: rapid innovation. Red Hat solutions combine Red Hat Linux, developer and embedded technologies, training, management services, technical support. We deliver this open source innovation to our customers via an Internet platform called Red Hat Network. Red Hat is headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
  • Resulinux

    Resulinux is a Brazilian desktop distribution and live CD based on Debian GNU/Linux. Among its unique characteristics are TexasFlood boot system, which dramatically shortens the operating system's boot time, and a software update utility called LiveUpdate.
  • Rocks Cluster Distribution

    Rocks is a complete "cluster on a CD" solution for x86 and x86_64 Red Hat Linux clusters. Building a Rocks cluster does not require any experience in clustering, yet a cluster architect will find a flexible and programmatic way to redesign the entire software stack just below the surface (appropriately hidden from the majority of users). Although Rocks includes the tools expected from any clustering software stack (PBS, Maui, GM support, Ganglia, etc), it is unique in its simplicity of installation.
  • ROSA

    ROSA is a Russian company developing a variety of Linux-based solutions. Its flagship product, ROSA Desktop, is a Mandriva-based distribution featuring a highly customised KDE desktop and a number of modifications designed to enhance the user-friendliness of the working environment.
  • rPath Linux

    rPath Linux is a Linux distribution built with the new Conary distributed software management system. Conary is designed, based on many years of Linux software packaging and distribution development experience, to automate many of the tasks that have made it difficult to build Linux distributions. rPath's mission is to provide system software that is easily tailored to suit unique application needs. rPath Linux, built with the Conary distributed software management system, is not only a distribution in its own right, but also a base technology explicitly designed to enable you to create purpose-built operating system images using the rBuilder Online technology.
  • Sabayon Linux

    Sabayon Linux is a Gentoo-based distribution which follows the works-out-of-the-box philosophy, aiming to give the user a wide number of applications that are ready for use and a self-configured operating system. Sabayon offers the user an easy-to-use workspace with a captivating look, good hardware detection and a large number of up-to-date software packages installed by default, with additional software available from a repository. Sabayon is available in several flavors featuring respectively the KDE, GNOME, LXDE, Xfce and Enlightenment desktop environments.
  • Salix OS

    Salix OS is a Slackware-based Linux distribution that is simple, fast, easy to use and compatible with Slackware Linux. Optimised for desktop use, Salix OS features one application per task, custom package repositories, advanced package management with dependency support, localised system administration tools and innovative artwork.
  • Scientific Linux

    Scientific Linux is a recompiled Red Hat Enterprise Linux, co-developed by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). Although it aims to be fully compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, it also provides additional packages not found in the upstream product; the most notable among these are various file systems, including Cluster Suite and Global File System (GFS), FUSE, OpenAFS, Squashfs and Unionfs, wireless networking support with Intel wireless firmware, MadWiFi and NDISwrapper, Sun Java and Java Development Kit (JDK), the lightweight IceWM window manager, R - a language and environment for statistical computing, and the Alpine email client.
  • siduction

    The siduction distribution is a desktop-oriented operating system and live medium based on the "unstable" branch of Debian GNU/Linux. Forked from aptosid in late 2011, siduction offers three separate live media with KDE, LXDE and Xfce desktops. The project also promises regular releases, an open development model, and friendly relationship with its developer and user community.
  • Skolelinux

    Skolelinux is the Debian-edu project's Custom Debian Distribution (CDD) in development. It is aiming to provide an out-of-the-box localised environment tailored for schools and universities. The out-of-the-box environment comes with 75 applications aimed at schools, as well as 15 network services pre-configured for a school environment. The simple, three-question installation requires minimal technical knowledge. Skolelinux is Debian, which means, among other things, that there are no license costs or worries, and that upgrade and maintenance of the software can be done over the Internet with the power of Debian's apt-get. The core goals of Skolelinux are localisation and ease of system administration.
  • Slackware Linux

    The Official Release of Slackware Linux by Patrick Volkerding is an advanced Linux operating system, designed with the twin goals of ease of use and stability as top priorities. Including the latest popular software while retaining a sense of tradition, providing simplicity and ease of use alongside flexibility and power, Slackware brings the best of all worlds to the table. Originally developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991, the UNIX-like Linux operating system now benefits from the contributions of millions of users and developers around the world. Slackware Linux provides new and experienced users alike with a fully-featured system, equipped to serve in any capacity from desktop workstation to machine-room server. Web, ftp, and email servers are ready to go out of the box, as are a wide selection of popular desktop environments. A full range of development tools, editors, and current libraries is included for users who wish to develop or compile additional software.
  • Oracle Solaris

    Solaris is a computer operating system, the proprietary Unix variant developed by Sun Microsystems. Early versions, based on BSD UNIX, were called SunOS. The shift to a System V code base in SunOS 5 was marked by changing the name to Solaris 2. Earlier versions were retroactively named Solaris 1.x. After version 2.6, Sun dropped the "2." from the name. Solaris consists of the SunOS UNIX base operating system plus a graphical user environment. Solaris is written in a platform-independent manner and is available for SPARC and x86 processors (including x86_64). Starting from version 10, the Solaris licence changed and the product was distributed free of charge for any system or purpose, but after the acquisition of Sun Microsystems by Oracle in 2009, the product is once again proprietary with a restrictive licence.
  • Sorcerer

    Sorcerer is a source-based Linux distribution. Source tarballs are downloaded directly from software project home pages or as patches when an old source was previously downloaded. Sources are compiled for the architecture and with the optimisations that the system administrator specifies. Sorcerer has both command-line and menu-driven source management programs.
  • Source Mage GNU/Linux

    Sourcemage is a source-based GNU/Linux distribution based on a Sorcery metaphor of 'casting' and 'dispelling' programs, which we refer to as 'spells'.
  • STD - Security Tools Distribution

    STD is a customised distribution of the Knoppix live Linux CD. STD focuses on information security and network management tools. It is meant to be used by both the novice looking to learn more about information security and the security professional looking for another swiss army knife for their tool kit. The tools are divided into the following categories: authentication, encryption utilities, firewalls, penetration tools, vulnerability assessment, forensic tools, honeypots, intrusion detection, packet sniffers and assemblers, network utilities, wireless tools, password auditing (crackers) and servers.
  • SuperX

    SuperX is a desktop-oriented computer operating system based on Ubuntu and Debian GNU/Linux, using the KDE desktop environment. It was originally developed in India by a teenager who built it using free and open-source software. SuperX is highly modular, flexible and cloud-centric, with a desktop user interface especially designed with Linux beginners in mind.
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise

    SUSE Linux Enterprise is an interoperable platform for mission-critical computing.  SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop is an enterprise-quality Linux desktop that's ready for routine business use.  It provides interoperability with existing systems and many office applications.  It also delivers flexibility for desktop and notebook clients, thin-client devices, and high-end technical workstations.  SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is designed to handle mission-critical workloads. It is an open, scalable, solution that comes with integrated Xen-based virtualization, application security, and systems management across a range of hardware architectures.  SUSE Linux Enterprise Server provides interoperability with Windows and other platforms, and it provides a secure foundation for a broad range of edge, departmental and data center needs.
  • T2 SDE

    T2 is an open source system development environment (or distribution build kit if you are more familiar with that term). T2 allows the creation of custom distributions with bleeding edge technology. Currently, the Linux kernel is normally used - but we are expanding to Hurd, OpenDarwin and OpenBSD; more to come. T2 started as a community driven fork from the ROCK Linux Project with the aim to create a decentralised development and a clean framework for spin-off projects and customised distributions.
  • Toorox

    Toorox is a Gentoo-based live DVD which boots into a KDE desktop using KNOPPIX hardware auto-detection and auto-configuration technologies. It is a useful tool for backing up data, browsing the Internet anonymously, or taking a first look at the capabilities of Linux. The live DVD can be installed to a hard disk with the help of a simple graphical installer.
  • Turbolinux

    Turbolinux distributions are designed from the ground-up specifically for enterprise computing. Turbolinux 7 Server was the first-ever to conform to Internationalization standards to help simplify development of applications that require multiple language support - a critical requirement for software distributed globally. Turbolinux 7 Server also supports the Large File Support (LFS) standard for working with applications that manage or handle up to four terabytes of data - a common requirement for infrastructures serving Fortune 500 and larger companies. Such industrial-strength environments provide the basis upon which PowerCockpit and other Turbolinux innovations were created.
  • UHU-Linux

    UHU-Linux is the leading distribution of Linux in Hungary. It is primarily intended for Hungarian users, thus special care is taken to support the Hungarian language as much as possible. Ease of installation and sane default settings both help new users of Linux and make veterans feel comfortable. Usability as the main goal involves having all the cutting-edge yet stable releases of Open Source packages, with dpkg as the package manager. Development is completely open and everyone is invited to join.
  • Ulteo Application System

    Ulteo Application System (Ulteo AS) is a Debian/Ubuntu-based Linux distribution created by Gaël Duval, the original founder of Mandrake Linux (now Mandriva Linux) and co-founder of MandrakeSoft (now Mandriva). It is a hybrid, network-oriented and mostly automatic computing system that ships with hundreds of applications and innovative features. The basic version of the Ulteo AS provides a choice of applications for daily use, such as Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenOffice.org, etc., but can be easily extended with a set of applications from the Ulteo panel. It also provides document and panel content synchronisation capabilities between a local installation of Ulteo AS and Ulteo Open Virtual Desktop.
  • Ultimate Edition

    Ultimate Edition, first released in December 2006, is a fork of Ubuntu and Linux Mint. The goal of the project is to create a complete, seamlessly integrated, visually stimulating, and easy-to-install operating system. Single-button upgrade is one of several special characteristics of this distribution. Other main features include custom desktop and theme with 3D effects, support for a wide range of networking options, including WiFi and Bluetooth, and integration of many extra applications and package repositories.

    UTUTO GNU/Linux is a Gentoo-based distribution developed by at the Universidad Nacional de Salta in Argentina. Named after a fidgety local lizard that pokes its nose into every hole, UTUTO is a high-performance desktop system designed to be used by home and office users, developers, organisations and government officials.
  • VectorLinux

    VectorLinux is a small, fast, Intel based Linux operating system for PC style computers. The creators of VectorLinux had a single credo: keep it simple, keep it small and let the end user decide what their operating system is going to be. What has evolved from this concept is perhaps the best little Linux operating system available anywhere. For the casual computer user there is a lightening-fast desktop with graphical programs to handle daily activities from web surfing, sending and receiving email, chatting on IRC to running an FTP server. The power user will be pleased because all the tools are there to compile programs, use the system as a server or perhaps the gateway for home or office computer network. Administrators will be equally pleased because of the small size and memory requirements, so the operating system can be deployed on older machines that have long been forgotten.

    VENENUX GNU/Linux is a South American desktop distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux and intended primarily for Spanish-speaking users. It adheres strictly to the principles of free software as defined by the Free Software Foundation.
  • VMKnoppix

    VMKnoppix is Debian and KNOPPIX-based Linux live CD/DVD featuring a collection of Virtual Machine software, such as Xen, KVM, VirtualBox, QEMU, KQEMU (QEMU with accelerator) and UserMode Linux. The system enables to boot several popular distributions, including CentOS, Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu, in a virtual environment.
  • Wifislax

    Wifislax is a Slackware-based live CD containing a variety of security and forensics tools. The distribution's main claim to fame is the integration of various unofficial network drivers into the Linux kernel, thus providing out-of-the-box support for a large number of wired and wireless network cards.
  • Yellow Dog Linux

    Yellow Dog Linux is an open source Linux operating system for home, office, server, and cluster users. Built upon the Red Hat/CentOS core, Terra Soft and now Fixstars (which acquired Terra Soft in 2008) has since the spring of 1999 developed and maintained Yellow Dog Linux for the Power architecture family of processors. The distribution combines a graphical installer with support for a wide range of Power hardware, leading-edge kernels, stable, functional compilers for code development, and servers for web, database, email, and network services. More than 2,000 packages are included on the install DVD.
  • Yoper Linux

    Yoper is a multipurpose high performance operating system which has been carefully optimised for PC's with either 686 or higher processor types. The binaries that come with Yoper have been built from scratch using the original sources combined with the best features of major distros, measuring up to the demanding proliferation of network communications and more intensive digital multimedia, graphics and audio capabilities which are ushering in a new era of business productivity enabled by a new generation of sophisticated microprocessors, and business application tools.
  • ZevenOS

    ZevenOS is an Ubuntu-based GNU/Linux distribution with focus on providing a fast and easy-to-use system with BeOS-like user interface and support for older hardware. The distribution is built on top of a recent Linux kernel and includes a large number of popular open-source software applications for office use, multimedia playback and software development. ZevenOS also ships with MAGI, a tool for starting applications and managing the system.



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