Дистрибутивы Linux

  • Absolute Linux

    Absolute Linux - это модификация дестрибуции операционной системы Slackware, которая позволяет удобно работать с Интрнет и мультимедиа, а также хорошо подходит для домашнего использования. Для использования ОС Absolute Linux, необходимо иметь 128 mb(операционную память), и 500 MHz(процесор).
  • AbulÉdu

    AbulÉdu – французский дистрибутив GNU/Linux, созданный специально для обработки данных в образовательных учреждениях. Изначально в основу AbulÉdu была положена Mandriva Linux, затем – Debian/Knoppix, а нынешний выпуск, AbulÉdu 11.08, основан на Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, дополненном значительным количеством новых приложений и улучшенных инструментов, таких как LibreOffice 3.3, OOo4Kids со словарями, AbiWord, LyX, Firefox 7.0 с AdBlock Plus, DansGuardian, Thunderbird, Pidgin, TuxPaint, GIMP, Scribus, Stellarium, VLC, Audacity, TBI Sankoré 3.1, Dr Géo, Tux Math, Tux Type. Live DVD позволяет протестировать дистрибутив, обеспечивает безопасное посещение сайтов Интернета, соединение со школным сервером для выполнения домашней работы или чтения электронных писем, соединение клиента AbulÉdu с сервером LTSP.
  • AgiliaLinux

    AgiliaLinux — свободно распространяемая операционная система, дистрибутив операционной системы Linux. Разработана сообществом MOPSLinux после прекращения поддержки дистрибутива научно-производственным объединением «Сеть», обладающим правами на MOPSLinux. Распространяется по лицензии GNU. Основные принципы, которых придерживаются разработчики дистрибутива заключаются в легкости установки и освоения системы, а также подборке наиболее стабильных программ. Поставляется с интегрированной средой рабочего стола GNOME, KDE, Openbox, Fluxbox, Xfce, LXDE (на выбор); в инсталляторе реализован менеджер логических томов.
  • aLinux

    aLinux – ранее известный как Peanut Linux (появился под таким названием в 1999 году, а в 2005 произошла смена брэнда на aLinux). Дистрибутив канадского происхождения, независимый потомок Red Hat, соответственно управление пакетами у него на базе rpm.
  • antiX

    antiX - это быстрый, облегченный и легко устанавливаемый дистрибутив Linux, основаный на Debian Testing и MEPIS для Intel-AMD x86 совместимых систем. antiX предлагает пользователям "Магию Меписа" в оптимальной среде для старых ПК. Так что не выбрасывайте пока что свой старый компьютер! Цель antiX'а - это предоставить облегченную, но функциональную и гибкую бесплатную операционную систему, как для новичков, так и для опытных пользователей Linux. Дистрибутив должен запускаться почти на всех компьютерах, оснащенных 64Мб ОЗУ, PII 266 систем. Однако, 128Мб ОЗУ - это рекоммендуемый объем, необходимый для antiX. Установка требует минимум 1.2Гб дискового пространства на жестком диске. antiX также может служить, как быстро загружаемый спасательный cd. antiX-M7-M8.5 не поддерживает (пока что) старейшие процессоры, такие как Pentium I (Судя по всему PII подходит), AMD K5 и AMD K6 т.к. они используют устаревшее i686 ядро. antiX-Spartacus должен будет поддерживать. В настоящий момент antiX предоставляется, как полный дистрибутив (680Мб) и основной дистрибутив (260Мб). Для тех, кто желает лично управлять процессом установки рекоммендуется использовать основной дистрибутив.

    APODIO is a Linux live and installation DVD with a large collection of open source audio and video software, as well as graphical utilities for making system administration as simple and intuitive as possible. It is based on Ubuntu.
  • aptosid

    aptosid — это операционная система, предназначенная для работы на настольных компьютерах, основанная на «нестабильной» ветке Debian, которая известна под кодовым именем Sid. До сентября 2010 года aptosid была известна как sidux. Дистрибутив состоит из Live CD (загрузочного CD диска) для архитектур x86 и x86-64 с возможностью установки на жёсткий диск через графический инсталлятор. Целью дистрибутива является создание стабильной, простой, современной, бесплатной и открытой операционной системы.
  • Arch Linux

    Arch — «легковесный», простой и гибкий дистрибутив Linux, оптимизированный для архитектур i686 и x86-64, использующий последние стабильные версии программ и дополняемый поддерживаемым сообществом репозиторием AUR. Arch «будет тем, что вы из него сделаете», и рассчитан не на новичков, а на более опытных пользователей. Дистрибутив был создан Джаддом Винетом. На его создание Джадда вдохновил CRUX, но мнение о том, что Arch основан на CRUX ошибочно. Arch Linux является дистрибутивом «from scratch», то есть не основан ни на каком другом дистрибутиве Linux. Arch Linux не предполагает конкретного окружения рабочего стола или оконного менеджера, чтобы пользователь был сам в праве выбирать, что ему использовать. В отличие от CRUX, Arch Linux распространяется, в основном, в виде готовых бинарных пакетов и более прост в установке. В некоторой степени, Arch напоминает дистрибутив Slackware, но, в отличие от последнего, осуществляет контроль зависимостей пакетов.
  • Debian GNU/Linux

    Debian — операционная система, состоящая из свободного ПО с открытым исходным кодом. В настоящее время Debian GNU/Linux — один из самых популярных и важных дистрибутивов Linux, в первичной форме оказавший значительное влияние на развитие этого типа ОС в целом. Также существуют проекты на основе других ядер: Debian GNU/Hurd, Debian GNU/kNetBSD и Debian GNU/kFreeBSD. Debian может использоваться как операционная система для серверов, так и для рабочих станций.
  • DragonFly BSD

    DragonFly BSD — операционная система с открытым кодом, возникшая в середине 2003 года на базе FreeBSD (4-й ветки), ориентированна на платформу x86. Один из разработчиков FreeBSD — Мэтт Диллон (Matt Dillon) с группой товарищей — будучи неудовлетворенным оптимизацией ядра FreeBSD, основал новую операционную систему DragonFlyBSD как систему, предназначенную для работы на высоконагруженных серверах, и более оптимально использующую ресурсы процессора и оперативной памяти, прежде всего на многопроцессорных системах.
  • Estrella Roja

    Estrella Roja - дистрибутив Linux от аргентинских разработчиков. Данный дистрибутив (прежде выпускавшийся под наименованием Red Star GNU/Linux) основан на тестовой ветви Debian, и использует в качестве рабочего окружения KDE 3.5.
  • FreeBSD

    FreeBSD — свободная Unix-подобная операционная система, потомок AT&T Unix по линии BSD, созданной в университете Беркли. FreeBSD работает на PC-совместимых системах семейства x86, включая Microsoft Xbox, а также на DEC Alpha, Sun UltraSPARC, IA-64, AMD64, PowerPC, NEC PC-98, ARM. Готовится поддержка архитектуры MIPS.
  • Frenzy

    Frenzy — Live-CD на базе операционной системы FreeBSD. Предназначен для настройки, проверки и анализа компьютерных сетей, тестирования компьютерного аппаратного обеспечения и ряда других задач. Frenzy полностью русифицирована, в её состав входит русскоязычная документация по FreeBSD, а также краткая справка по работе с системой.
  • Frugalware Linux

    Frugalware Linux — дистрибутив Linux общего назначения, спроектированный для пользователя, знакомого с командной строкой. Он основан на Slackware, но использует другой менеджер пакетов — Pacman. Frugalware — один из дистрибутивов, в которых обновлённые пакеты и обновления безопасности появляются ежедневно.
  • Funtoo Linux

    Funtoo Linux is a Gentoo-based distribution developed by Daniel Robbins (the founder and former project leader of Gentoo Linux) and a core team of developers, built around a basic vision of improving the core technologies in Gentoo Linux. Funtoo Linux features native UTF-8 support enabled by default, a git-based, distributed Portage tree and Funtoo overlay, an enhanced Portage with more compact mini-manifest tree, automated imports of new Gentoo changes every 12 hours, GPT/GUID boot support and streamlined boot configuration, enhanced network configuration, up-to-date stable and current Funtoo stages - all built using Funtoo's Metro build tool.
  • Gentoo Linux

    Gentoo Linux — достаточно популярный дистрибутив Linux с мощной и гибкой технологией Portage, которая совмещает в себе возможности конфигурирования, настройки, а также автоматизированную систему управления пакетами. Последняя создавалась под влиянием системы управления пакетами в FreeBSD. Отличительной особенностью Gentoo является наличие оптимизации под конкретное аппаратное обеспечение.
  • Gentoox

    Gentoox - дистрибутив предназначенный для установки на игровую приставку XBox. Дистрибутив основан на Gentoo и содержит последние сборки популярных программ из портреджей.
  • GParted LiveCD

    GParted LiveCD is a business card-size live CD distribution with a single purpose - to provide tools for partitioning hard disks in an intuitive, graphical environment. The distribution uses X.Org, the light-weight Fluxbox window manager, and the latest 2.6 Linux kernel. GParted LiveCD runs on most x86 machines with a Pentium II or better.
  • Grml

    Grml is a bootable CD (live CD) based on Debian GNU/Linux. It includes a collection of GNU/Linux software especially for users of text tools and system administrators. It also provides automatic hardware detection. Grml can be used as a rescue system, for analysing systems and networks, or as a working environment. Due to on-the-fly decompression, Grml includes about 2 GB of software and documentation on the CD.
  • JoLinux

    JoLinux is a Brazilian desktop Linux distribution for x86_64 platforms based on Slackware Linux.
  • KnoSciences

    KnoSciences is a Knoppix-based bootable CD with a collection of GNU/Linux software, automatic hardware detection, and support for many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI and USB devices and other peripherals. It is designed for use in educational institutions.
  • Linux From Scratch

    Linux From Scratch (LFS) is a project that provides you with the steps necessary to build your own custom Linux system. There are a lot of reasons why somebody would want to install an LFS system. The question most people raise is "why go through all the hassle of manually installing a Linux system from scratch when you can just download an existing distribution like Debian or Redhat". That is a valid question which I hope to answer for you. The most important reason for LFS's existence is teaching people how a Linux system works internally. Building an LFS system teaches you about all that makes Linux tick, how things work together, and depend on each other. And most importantly, how to customize it to your own taste and needs.
  • LinHES

    LinHES is an attempt to make the installation of GNU/Linux and MythTV as trivial as possible. It includes everything needed to get your set-top box up and running in as little time as possible. LinHES is based on Arch Linux and is targeted at anyone looking for a set-top box solution.
  • Lunar Linux

    Lunar is a source based Linux distribution with a unique package management system which builds each software package, or module, for the machine it is being installed on. Though it can take a while to do a complete Lunar installation it's worth it as it tends to be quite fast, once installed! In the beginning Lunar was a fork of Sorcerer GNU Linux (SGL). The fork occurred in late January to early February of 2002 and was originally made up of a small group of people who wanted to collaboratively develop and extend the Sorcerer technology. The original name for the project was Lunar-Penguin but the group decided to re-christen it Lunar Linux while the Lunar-Penguin name has become a sort of umbrella which the team could use if they decide to collaboratively develop something besides Lunar Linux.
  • Mandriva Linux

    Mandriva Linux was launched in 1998 under the name of Mandrake Linux, with the goal of making Linux easier to use for everyone. At that time, Linux was already well-known as a powerful and stable operating system that demanded strong technical knowledge and extensive use of the command line; MandrakeSoft saw this as an opportunity to integrate the best graphical desktop environments and contribute its own graphical configuration utilities to quickly become famous for setting the standard in Linux ease of use. In February 2005, MandrakeSoft merged with Brazil's Conectiva to form Mandriva S.A., with headquarters in Paris, France. The company's flagship product, Mandriva Linux, offers all the power and stability of Linux to both individuals and professional users in an easy-to-use and pleasant environment.
  • MidnightBSD

    MidnightBSD is a FreeBSD-derived operating system. A critical goal of the project is to create an easy-to-use desktop environment with graphical ports management, and system configuration using GNUstep. The vast majority of the operating system will maintain a BSD license. MidnightBSD was forked from FreeBSD 6.1 beta.
  • Linux Mint

    Linux Mint is an Ubuntu-based distribution whose goal is to provide a more complete out-of-the-box experience by including browser plugins, media codecs, support for DVD playback, Java and other components. It also adds a custom desktop and menus, several unique configuration tools, and a web-based package installation interface. Linux Mint is compatible with Ubuntu software repositories.
  • MirOS BSD

    MirOS is an operating system based on OpenBSD and synchronised with the ongoing development of its parent. The most important differences between OpenBSD and MirOS include a completely rewritten bootloader and boot manager, a slim base system without NIS, Kerberos, BIND and i18n, binary security updates for stable releases, and current versions of the GNU developer toolchain.
  • Musix GNU/Linux

    Musix GNU+Linux is a Debian-based distribution featuring a collection of free software for audio production, graphic design and video editing.
  • NetBSD

    NetBSD is a free, secure, and highly portable UNIX-like Open Source operating system available for many platforms, from 64-bit AlphaServers and desktop systems to handheld and embedded devices. Its clean design and advanced features make it excellent in both production and research environments, and it is user-supported with complete source. Many applications are easily available through The NetBSD Packages Collection.
  • Network Security Toolkit

    Network Security Toolkit (NST) is a bootable live CD based on Fedora Core. The toolkit was designed to provide easy access to best-of-breed open source network security applications and should run on most x86 platforms. The main intent of developing this toolkit was to provide the network security administrator with a comprehensive set of open source network security tools. What we find rather fascinating with NST is that we can transform most x86 systems (Pentium II and above) into a system designed for network traffic analysis, intrusion detection, network packet generation, wireless network monitoring, a virtual system service server, or a sophisticated network/host scanner.
  • OpenBSD

    The OpenBSD project produces a FREE, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system. Our efforts emphasize portability, standardization, correctness, proactive security and integrated cryptography. OpenBSD supports binary emulation of most programs from SVR4 (Solaris), FreeBSD, Linux, BSD/OS, SunOS and HP-UX. OpenBSD is freely available from our FTP sites, and also available in an inexpensive 3-CD set.
  • Otakux

    Otakux is an Ubuntu-based distribution designed for "Otaku", a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests in anime, manga and video games. It comes with a custom theme and includes support for most media formats out of the box.
  • PapugLinux

    PapugLinux is a minimal GNU/Linux live CD based on the Gentoo Linux distribution for x86 computers. The goal of PapugLinux is to provide a minimal but functional free operating system which can be run on most computers, from old systems with as little as 64 MB of memory to the latest powerful configurations.
  • Parabola GNU/Linux

    Parabola GNU/Linux is an unofficial "libre" variant of Arch Linux. It aims to provide a fully free (as in freedom) distribution based on the packages of the Arch Linux project, with packages optimised for i686 and x86_64 processors. The goal is to give the users complete control over their systems with 100% "libre" software. Parabola GNU/Linux is listed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) as a fully free software distribution.
  • PCLinuxOS

    PCLinuxOS is a user-friendly Linux distribution with out-of-the-box support for many popular graphics and sound cards, as well as other peripheral devices. The bootable live CD provides an easy-to-use graphical installer and the distribution sports a wide range of popular applications for the typical desktop user, including browser plugins and full multimedia playback. The intuitive system configuration tools include Synaptic for package management, Addlocale to add support to many languages, Getopenoffice to install the latest OpenOffice.org, and Mylivecd to create a customised live CD.
  • PLD Linux Distribution

    PLD Linux Distribution is a free, RPM-based Linux distribution, aimed at the more advanced users and administrators, who accept the trade-offs of using a system that might require manual tweaking in exchange for flexibility. Simultaneous support for a wide variety of architectures and non-conservative approach to RPM usage provide the users with a consistent environment on almost all available architectures.
  • Sabayon Linux

    Sabayon Linux is a Gentoo-based distribution which follows the works-out-of-the-box philosophy, aiming to give the user a wide number of applications that are ready for use and a self-configured operating system. Sabayon offers the user an easy-to-use workspace with a captivating look, good hardware detection and a large number of up-to-date software packages installed by default, with additional software available from a repository. Sabayon is available in several flavors featuring respectively the KDE, GNOME, LXDE, Xfce and Enlightenment desktop environments.
  • Salix OS

    Salix OS is a Slackware-based Linux distribution that is simple, fast, easy to use and compatible with Slackware Linux. Optimised for desktop use, Salix OS features one application per task, custom package repositories, advanced package management with dependency support, localised system administration tools and innovative artwork.
  • siduction

    The siduction distribution is a desktop-oriented operating system and live medium based on the "unstable" branch of Debian GNU/Linux. Forked from aptosid in late 2011, siduction offers three separate live media with KDE, LXDE and Xfce desktops. The project also promises regular releases, an open development model, and friendly relationship with its developer and user community.
  • Slackware Linux

    The Official Release of Slackware Linux by Patrick Volkerding is an advanced Linux operating system, designed with the twin goals of ease of use and stability as top priorities. Including the latest popular software while retaining a sense of tradition, providing simplicity and ease of use alongside flexibility and power, Slackware brings the best of all worlds to the table. Originally developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991, the UNIX-like Linux operating system now benefits from the contributions of millions of users and developers around the world. Slackware Linux provides new and experienced users alike with a fully-featured system, equipped to serve in any capacity from desktop workstation to machine-room server. Web, ftp, and email servers are ready to go out of the box, as are a wide selection of popular desktop environments. A full range of development tools, editors, and current libraries is included for users who wish to develop or compile additional software.
  • Server Optimized Linux

    SoL (Server optimized Linux) is a Linux distribution completely independent from other Linux distributions. It was built from the original source packages and is optimised for heavy-duty server work. It contains all common server applications, and features XML boot and script technology that makes it easy to configure and make the server work.
  • Sorcerer

    Sorcerer is a source-based Linux distribution. Source tarballs are downloaded directly from software project home pages or as patches when an old source was previously downloaded. Sources are compiled for the architecture and with the optimisations that the system administrator specifies. Sorcerer has both command-line and menu-driven source management programs.
  • Source Mage GNU/Linux

    Sourcemage is a source-based GNU/Linux distribution based on a Sorcery metaphor of 'casting' and 'dispelling' programs, which we refer to as 'spells'.
  • STD - Security Tools Distribution

    STD is a customised distribution of the Knoppix live Linux CD. STD focuses on information security and network management tools. It is meant to be used by both the novice looking to learn more about information security and the security professional looking for another swiss army knife for their tool kit. The tools are divided into the following categories: authentication, encryption utilities, firewalls, penetration tools, vulnerability assessment, forensic tools, honeypots, intrusion detection, packet sniffers and assemblers, network utilities, wireless tools, password auditing (crackers) and servers.
  • T2 SDE

    T2 is an open source system development environment (or distribution build kit if you are more familiar with that term). T2 allows the creation of custom distributions with bleeding edge technology. Currently, the Linux kernel is normally used - but we are expanding to Hurd, OpenDarwin and OpenBSD; more to come. T2 started as a community driven fork from the ROCK Linux Project with the aim to create a decentralised development and a clean framework for spin-off projects and customised distributions.
  • UHU-Linux

    UHU-Linux is the leading distribution of Linux in Hungary. It is primarily intended for Hungarian users, thus special care is taken to support the Hungarian language as much as possible. Ease of installation and sane default settings both help new users of Linux and make veterans feel comfortable. Usability as the main goal involves having all the cutting-edge yet stable releases of Open Source packages, with dpkg as the package manager. Development is completely open and everyone is invited to join.
  • Vinux

    Vinux is a remastered flavour of the Ubuntu distribution optimised for the needs of blind and visually impaired users. It provides three screen readers, two full-screen magnifiers, global font-size and colour changing facilities, and out-of-the-box support for USB Braille displays. The Vinux live CD boots into the Orca screen reader which makes it easy to navigate the graphical GNOME desktop using keybindings. For those who prefer to work in a simple text-based console there is the Speakup screen reader as well as YASR, a hybrid screen reader which can be run in either console mode or in a virtual terminal on the GNOME desktop.
  • VMKnoppix

    VMKnoppix is Debian and KNOPPIX-based Linux live CD/DVD featuring a collection of Virtual Machine software, such as Xen, KVM, VirtualBox, QEMU, KQEMU (QEMU with accelerator) and UserMode Linux. The system enables to boot several popular distributions, including CentOS, Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu, in a virtual environment.
  • Yoper Linux

    Yoper is a multipurpose high performance operating system which has been carefully optimised for PC's with either 686 or higher processor types. The binaries that come with Yoper have been built from scratch using the original sources combined with the best features of major distros, measuring up to the demanding proliferation of network communications and more intensive digital multimedia, graphics and audio capabilities which are ushering in a new era of business productivity enabled by a new generation of sophisticated microprocessors, and business application tools.



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