Fermi Linux

Архитектуры: i386, x86_64
Категории: Desktop, Server
Окружение рабочего стола: GNOME, IceWM, KDE
Родительский дистрибутив: Глобальное комьюнити
Сайт: https://fermilinux.fnal.gov/
Fermi Linux LTS (Long Term Support) is a site distribution based on Scientific Linux, which is in essence Red Hat Enterprise Linux, recompiled. It is Scientific Linux with Fermilab's security hardening and customised configurations to allow an administrator to install Fermi Linux and have the machine meet Fermilab's security requirements with little or no extra configuration. Since Fermi Linux LTS is based on Scientific Linux, it shares it's goal that if a program runs and is certified on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, then it will run on the corresponding Fermi Linux LTS release.
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